Dr. Sushma S. Gaikwad

  • Faculty Name: Dr. Sushma S. Gaikwad
  • Qualifications: MBBS-Mumbai University, MD : Internal Medicine, Mumbai University, Fellowship in HIV Medicine-FHM, MAMC, Delhi, Clinical Management of HIV- Dept of Global Health ,University of Washington, Leadership and Management in Health -LMIH-Dept of Global Health,
  • Designation:Additional Professor & Unit Head in Medicine Department at Nair Hospital - Nodal Officer & In-charg
  • Number of Research Publications:14
  • Telephone No.: 02223027122
  • Email ID:.

-Additional Professor in Medicine Department at Nair Hospital

- Nodal Officer & In-charge of ART Centre .

ART Center OPD- more than 16000 HIV positive patients registered at Nair ART Centre since inception & around 4000 HIV positive patients are on active care. 

ART plus OPD ( DACEP � District AIDS Clinical Expert Panel ) started in year  2019. At ART plus OPD  expert advice is given to the patients of  other ART Centers regarding  ADR ( Adverse Drug Reaction) ART drug resistance, 2nd line ART drugs 

e� DACEP (online DACEP) for other peripheral ART centres.

-Recipient of  International scholarship to attend HIV Drug Therapy Glasgow 2014, Glasgow, UK

-Recipient of International scholarship from IAS Educational Fund Scholarship to attend  the 22nd International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2018) at Amsterdam ,The Netherlands.

-In charge of PG  Thesis supervision