Completed my undergraduate and
postgraduate medical career in GENERAL SURGERY from T.N.Medical College &
B.Y.L.Nair Hospital. University of
Bombay. I completed my postgraduate training in UROLOGY at L.T.M.Medical
College & Hospital, University of Bombay.
It is a 1500 bedded multispeciality hospital. I was Associate Professor & Head of
Department of Urology at T.N.Medical College & B.Y.L.Nair Hospital, who is
a 1500 bedded multispeciality hospital.
At present I am Professor &
Head of Urology at T.N.Medical College & B.Y.L.Nair Charitable Hospital,
University of Mumbai and Consultant Urologist at Lilavati Hospital.
The Department of Urology
started the Mch Urology programme in 1991 under the leadership of Dr Shobha Lal
and Dr Harshad Punjani . I took over the department in 1995 as Associate
Professor and In-charge. Initially the department had 2 residents per year
which after MCI inspection were increased to 3 seats per year as is the current
The Department is complete in all
aspects with the 1st state of art Urodynamic machine installed in
1995 when it was the only machine in Maharashtra to the current latest
Urodynamic system. The Department has ESWL , Modular O.T , 100 Watt laser and
flexible scopes. We have 2 subspeciality OPD�s Pediatric Urology OPD for last 10 years and Andrology
OPD for past 1 year .
We conduct weekly teaching
activities which includes case presentations, journal club and seminars. We
have an active transplant programme and are in the forefront of laparoscopy.
I have been examiner for MUHS
since 2001, DNB examiner and visited as examiner in various other universities
throughout India.
We have approached the corporates
and they have generously contributed to the development of the Department. The
donations are to the tune of Crore of rupees.
We have conducted various
workshops at Nair Hospital, including URORECON recently, Endourology and RIRS
worskshops multiple times in the past and HOLEP workshop in 2009 .
We have a recently installed state of the art in built audiovisual system in our OT transmitting to the seminar room for regular meetings. In the future we plan to further upgrade the department with intention to procure 4K Laparoscopy system and Robotic system .
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